What Wealth Phase Are You In?

There are just three phases on the path to getting wealthy, and understanding where you are on this path can help you figure out what you need to do to get to the next level. The first phase on this path is fear. Maybe some of you remember this when you first started out in this business and maybe some of you are still there. I was scared out of my mind in 1978 when I started Proforma. Fear of failure is a powerful thing. Fear keeps most people from ever reaching out and doing those things they should do to grow their businesses. Fear is the reason why you might be sitting on your porch when you are 70 years old saying, “I wonder what would have happened if…” Don’t let fear paralyze you. Don’t be afraid to take risks. Don’t be afraid to hear “no” on a sales call. If you are able to push through the fear, you’ll find yourself in phase two: comfortable.

Comfortable is a great thing. Comfortable is “We’re not going to lose the house,” “We’re not going to lose the cars,” or “We’re going to be just fine.” These are good things, but comfortable can quickly become a terrible place. It’s great if you choose to be there, but most people don’t choose to be there. They just unwittingly get stuck there. Being stuck at “comfortable” is what can keep you from getting to stage three: wealth.

Being wealthy is being able to have those things in life beyond your wildest dreams. Businesses in North America spend more than $200 billion a year on what we sell as print and promotional products distributors. There is no law that says you can’t have it all. Most of us are within an hour drive or so of a couple hundred million dollars in business. Start asking yourself these questions: How much of it do you want to get? How wealthy do you want to be?

To move from fear to comfortable to wealth, you first need to identify your vision for how wealthy you want to be. What do you need to do to push past your fear or get unstuck from your comfort zone? If you’re not stuck now, chances are you will get stuck at some point in your business. You need to know what your version of success is to help you get past the first two phases.

At Proforma, I encourage all our owners to put their dreams down on paper by creating a “dream board,” and I encourage you to make one too. Find pictures of the things you want in life or that represent the lifestyle you want to live. Pin your dream board up somewhere you will see it every day. Remind yourself why you need to push past the fear and find the edge of your comfort zone. I bet you’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you let your vision guide and motivate you on your path to wealth.

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